Gonzales-Smith, Myriam


Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese


Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2000.

Home Department:

Fields of Study:

Email: myriam@spanport.ucsb.edu

Department Website


Dr. Gonzales-Smith areas of research and teaching are twentieth-century Spanish-American Literature with emphasis on the Avant-Garde; poetry and poetics; gender and cultural studies; Peruvian literature and culture; and heritage language learner studies.

Commonly courses taught are: advanced Spanish grammar and composition courses for heritage speakers as well as second-language learners, and Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies. She is the author of Gramática para hispanohablantes (1997) and Poética e ideología en Magda Portal: Otras dimensiones de la vanguardia en Latinoamérica (2007). Other publications are articles related to Latin American literature and culture. She is currently a steering committee member in the UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching, and has served in the Non-Senate Faculty Council on Professional Development since 2009.