LAIS Director of Graduate Studies,
Associate Professor, Global Studies


Ph.D., Environmental Science, Policy and Management: UC Berkeley
MA., Public Policy: UC Berkeley
B.A., Politics: University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

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Javiera Barandiarán is Assistant Professor in the Global Studies program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Barandiarán received her Ph.D. in 2013 from the University of California, Berkeley in Environmental Science, Policy and Management. She holds a Masters in Public Policy also from Berkeley and received her B.A. in politics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Her research has been awarded support from the Social Science Research Council and the National Science Foundation.

Barandiarán works on environmental politics, experts and the state in Latin America, to understand how states come to know about the environment in order to regulate it. Her teaching interests include development and environment, democratic institutions and states in transition, the politics of knowledge production and science, and innovation and environmental policies. Prior to her Ph.D., Barandiarán conducted surveys on attitudes towards science, technology and the environment in European countries. She has also worked in or conducted research on questions of rural development in Hawai’i, Mexico and California.

Barandiarán is working on a book that explores four environmental conflicts in Chile to reflect on the ways in which the Chilean state organizes, accesses and believes in environmental information since the end of the Pinochet regime. The conflicts are a toxic waste spill by a paper and pulp mill in Valdivia, the mine at Pascua Lama, the virus ISA in salmon farming, and the hydroelectric dams of HidroAysén.

Ottinger, G., Barandiaran, J., and A. H. Kimura (2017). “Environmental Justice: Knowledge, Technology and Expertise” in Felt, Ulrike, Fouché, Rayvon, Miller, Clark and Laurel Smith-Doerr, The Handbook for Science and Technology Studies, 4th edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Barandiarán, Javiera (2016). The authority of rules in Chile’s contentious environmental politics. Environmental Politics. Doi: 10.1080/09644016.2016.1218156

Barandiaran, Javiera (2015). Reaching for the Stars? Astronomy and Growth in Chile. Minerva. Doi: 10.1007/s11024-015-9272-7.

Barandiaran, Javiera (2015). Chile’s Environmental Assessments: Contested Knowledge in an Emerging Democracy. Science as Culture. Published online 14 January 2015.

French, A., Barandiaran, J., and C. Rampini (2015). “Water Use and Conflicts” in Huggel, Christian, Clague, John, Kaab, Andreas, and Mark Carey, The High-Mountain Cryosphere: Environmental Changes and Human Risks. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Tironi, Manuel, and Javiera Barandiaran (2014). “Neoliberalism as Political Technology: Expertise, Energy and Democracy in Chile” in Beyond Imported Magic: Studying Science and Technology in Latin America. eds. Eden Medina, Christina Holmes, and Ivan da Costa Marques. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Barandiaran, Javiera. (2012). “Researching Race in Chile” Latin America Research Review. Vol. 47, No. 1., pp. 161-176.

Barandiaran, Javiera. (2012) “Threats and opportunities of proprietary science at the University Andres Bello in Chile” Higher Education. Vol. 63, Issue 2, pp. 205-218

Philbrick, M. and Barandiaran, Javiera. (2009). “The National Citizens’ Technology Forum: lessons for the future“ Science and Public Policy. Vol. 36, No. 5., pp. 335-347