Associate Professor, Gevirtz School of Education

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Fields of Study:
Cross-cultural issues, Immigration experiences, Resilience and thriving, Social justice, Subjective well-being
Melissa Morgan Consoli is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology. She specializes in multicultural, international and immigrant research, with an emphasis on Latino/a populations. In particular, she focuses on the areas of resilience and thriving and their relationship to cultural variables. All of this research is conducted through a social justice lens, utilizing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods designs as well as community based research paradigms. Her goal is for research to be culturally relevant, informative in the development of prevention and other community programs, and useful in addressing societal issues of concern for the populations with whom she works.Dr. Morgan Consoli teaches several undergraduate and graduate courses, including: Theories of Psychotherapy, Social and Cultural Bases of Diversity, Counseling Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Gender Issues in Counseling and Psychology, Prevention, and Identity and Pluralism.