Useful Links


Keep Learning UCSB — resources for remote learning: Shoreline — campus engagement platform: Basic Needs Resources — General academic support – Campus Learning Assistant Services –


Event Co-sponsorship Requests

LAIS supports UC Santa Barbara student, faculty and staff led events that focus on Latin American or Iberian topics. To apply, please fill out our Co-sponsorship Form HERE


Funding Opportunities for LAIS undergraduate and graduate students

To learn about funding for research and travel to conferences and language schools see HERE


Housing assistance for UCSB students

UCSB’s Rapid Rehousing Program offers assistance to students with housing needs by offering transitional housing, housing vouchers, and case management.  HERE



UCSB Library Resources

Latin American & Iberian Studies Subject Guide. HERE

Black Diaspora in the Americas. HERE

Caribbean Studies Subject Guide. HERE

Chicana/o Studies Subject Guide. HERE

Spanish and Portuguese Subject Guide. HERE


Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Digital Humanities Projects & Resources

A crowdsourced list of projects, resources, events, and anything else. HERE


Afro-Latin American and Afro-Latinx Art Historical Resources

This document contains an array of art historical resources related to the African diaspora in Latin America, from the colonial to contemporary periods, as well as links to anti-racist pedagogical resources, digital resources, and upcoming events and opportunities. HERE 


Museu de Arte de São Paulo: Brazil’s first modern art museum. Famous for its “floating” art. HERE


Museum of Latin American Art: The USA’s leading museum of modern and contemporary Latin American art and culture. HERE


Museo Histórico Nacional Chile: Chile’s National Museum provides knowledge and recreation of the country’s pre-colonial, colonial, and contemporary history. HERE


Smithsonian Latino Center: The Smithsonian Latino Center unlocks dynamic U.S. Latino stories that shape the Latin experience and identity in the USA. HERE



Films and Videos

Cinema Tropical Collection: Curated online film series of Latin American films, with virtual Q&As with the directors, plus VOD distribution. The Cinema Tropical Collection presents U.S. and international audiences with meaningful and relevant Latin American films in their world digital premiere. Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at New York University. HERE


Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival: Dedictaed to showcasing the entirety of human experience from the Latino perspective, whether through film, television, digital, music, art, or any other vehicle, regardless of platform. HERE


Unsettling Journeys: A new educational YouTube channel, which aims to bring academic conversations to an open and free digital platform. HERE