The LAIS Program would like to congratulate Professor Cecilia Méndez (History) on her continuous work as a columnist for La República, a Peruvian newspaper, where she writes about a multitude of topics ranging Peruvian politics and historiography to Israel-Palestine and international politics. Her last six publications have been as follows: “La mafia y la privatización del Estado” (10/9/2023), “Cuando las democracias matan” (1/1/2024), “Una catástrofe moral” (2/18/2024), “Indígenas y palestinas” (3/17/2024), “¿Ya podemos hablar de imperialismo?” (4/15/2024), and her most recent “Apología de la historia: contra el desalojo del AGN” (5/26/2024). Read her columns here.
Along with her newspaper columns, Professor Méndez has been working as the LAIS Program Director for the 2023-2024 academic year. Thank you for your work!