The 2nd Latin American and Iberian Studies International Graduate Student Conference was a great success. We had excellent talks by 20 graduate students and four undergraduate students from across the world, and lively discussions led by our seven discussants (full program and abstracts available here).
Each day we were also joined by a Keynote Guest: Christine Hünefeldt (Professor Emeritus, History, University of California San Diego) talked with LAIS graduate students Marlene Torres-Magaña and Emma Zamora García on April 7, 2021, about “Crafting Borders”; Melissa Wright (Professor, Geography, Pennsylvania State University) joined us on April 8, 2021 for her talk Border Thinking & Living la Vida Fronteriza (the Border Life); and Kai Medeiros, J.D. (Staff Attorney, American Bar Association, Immigration Justice Project, San Diego) joined us on April 9, 2021 to give the closing key note lecture titled Assessing the Damage: Reflections on the Trump Administration’s Dismantling of the U.S. Asylum System.
Links to available recordings are below. Abstracts and bios for these Keynotes are available here. RECORDINGS (Facebook Live Recordings)Christine Hünefeldt (Professor Emeritus, History, University of California San Diego) | Conversation with historian Christine Hünefeldt: “Crafting Borders?” – recording available here. Kai Medeiros, J.D. (Staff Attorney, American Bar Association, Immigration Justice Project, San Diego) | Assessing the Damage: Reflections on the Trump Administration’s Dismantling of the U.S. Asylum System – recording available here.