The Latin American and Iberian Studies Program (LAIS) at UC Santa Barbara is pleased to announce the inaugural Latin American and Iberian Studies Undergraduate Essay Competition! Please share this opportunity with your undergraduate students that have a Latin American and/or Iberian focus. Currently enrolled undergraduates from across California are invited to submit essays focused on topics related to Latin America and/or Iberia, in any field or discipline. Eligibility
- This competition is open to all undergraduates enrolled in degree courses in California who are considering pursuing studies at graduate level.
- The essays must be on a topic of Latin American and Iberian studies, broadly defined.
- Essays completed as coursework for an undergraduate course are encouraged.
- Word limit is 3,000 words or less.
- Submit essays as a PDF.
This a great opportunity for undergraduate students interested in exploring a subject in Latin American and Iberian studies beyond undergraduate level. There is a prize pool of $300. Submit your essay at bit.ly/LAISEssay2020 by 5PM (PST) by December 4, 2020!